Our Purpose

To boost Canada's competitiveness in the global semiconductor space.

Who We Are

Canada’s Semiconductor Council (CSC) is a national semiconductor industry organization representing a broad ecosystem of companies and institutions involved in the development and manufacturing of semiconductor components.

CSC is dedicated to accelerating the growth and development of Canada’s semiconductor sector. The organization's goal is to strengthen our domestic supply chain resiliency and future in the digital economy by establishing Canada as a leader for semiconductor research, design and development, and manufacturing at the forefront of commercialization and innovation for the global semiconductor industry.

What We Do

  • Drive consensus on a national strategy for sustained growth of the semiconductor sector, as an engine for Canadian economic growth, and as a key enabler of other industry sectors.
  • Work out priorities, issues and opportunities, and create and implement programs for Canada's semiconductor sector.
  • Provide focused networking opportunities for informal knowledge sharing and collaboration among members.

Board of Directors

Advisory Board

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